The puremaid nori is a dungeon of the curse of the demon king Dimon, and it becomes pinch in the battle against the witch Dark Lillis. At that time, he was deceived by a monster who drew the blood of the demon king. However, he turned backwards and defeated the monster, but the semen of the demon that is overflowing from the vagina of the pure-marmaid seaweed ridge gradually infuriated her. Nevertheless, Puremaid tries to fight the witch Dark Lillis, but all of them are the nephews of the demon king Dimon. The puremaid costume has changed, and the mind and body have become a devil's dress. The Puramamaid nori, whose mission was to defeat the demon king Dimon, intertwined closely with the demon king and had a hot relationship with him, inserting one of the deceased demon kings deep into Vagina and accepting it as a vagina. and the seaweed that became a big witch dark marmaid ...! what? the development of a beautiful shock will come to the demon world ... [BAD END]